Blood Red Presents...
Do you dig the work of such modern-day masters as Robert Williams, Mitch
O'Connell, Derek Hess, Merinuk, Coop, Shag and Johnny Ace? Well, Daddy-O,
this is the page for you!
Right here, you can feast your sick little eyes on some
of the finest examples of the lowest form of human expression! We're talking
monsters! Hot Rods! Weird space-type aliens in flyin' saucers. Juggs! I'll
say that again, we're talking J-U-G-G-S!!
So, get yer eyeballs good & ready and check out the
links below to see what some of our fave artists are up to!
And our first featured artiste is...
(He's the cat who did the homage to
Big Daddy you're seein' on this page!)